Friday, November 18, 2011

Gender Neutral Bathroom Locations

  • Bernard and Audre Rapoport Building (BRB) 4.106, floor 4. Located on Speedway between 24th and 21st street. 
  • Gregory Gymnasium (GRE) 4.106, floor 4. Located on Speedway near 21st street.
  • Gregory Gymnasium (GRE) 4.108, floor 4. Located on Speedway near 21st street.
  • Jackson Geological Sciences Building (JGB) 4.16, floor 4. Located on Speedway near 24th street.
  • Mary E. Gearing Hall (GEA) 102A. Located on University and 24th street.
  • McCombs School of Business (CBA) 2.256, floor 2. Located on Speedway and 21st street.
  • Measurement and Evaluation Center 2616 Wichita (BWY) 103A, floor 1. Located on Wichita between W. Dean Keaton and 27th street.
  • Mezes Hall (MEZ) 1.208A, floor 1 (map says #1.302) Building is new and room numbers on signs may change to reflect the numbers on the map. Located between 21st and 22nd street.
  • Mezes Hall (MEZ) 1.302, floor 1. Located between 21st and 22nd street.
  • Norman Hackerman Building (NHB) 1.322, floor 1. Located on Speedway and 24th street.
  • Norman Hackerman Building (NHB) 2.520, floor 2. Located on Speedway and 24th street.
  • Norman Hackerman Building (NHB) 2.624, floor 2. Located on Speedway and 24th street.
  • Peter T. Flawn Academic Center (FAC) 18. Located on Inner Campus Dr near Guadalupe and 24th street.
  • Pharmacy Building (PHR) 3.114E, floor 3. Located on University near 24th street.
  • Pharmacy Building (PHR) 6.208, floor 6. Located on University near 24th street.
  • Recreational Sports Center (RSC) 1.146, floor 1. Located on San Jacinto and E. 20th street.
  • Robert Lee Moore Hall (RLM) 2.104, floor 2. Located on Speedway and W. Dean Keaton.
  • Robert A. Welch Hall (WEL) 2.414, floor 2. Located on Speedway and 24th street.
  • Robert A. Welch Hall (WEL) 4.412, floor 4. Located on Speedway and 24th street.
  • Robert A. Welch Hall (WEL) 5.412, floor 5. Located on Speedway and 24th street.
  • Student Activity Center (SAC) 2.116, floor 2. Located across the hall from the Gender and Sexuality Center, on Speedway between 24th and 21st street.
  • Walter Webb Hall (WWH) 309. Located on W. Dean Keaton, Guadalupe, San Antonio, and 25th street.
  • West Mall Office Building (WMB) 1.106, floor 1. Located near Guadalupe on 22nd street.
  • W.R. Woolrich Laboratories (WRW) 222B. Located on Speedway and 24th street. 
(source; GSC)


The map and locations show the number of restrooms provided that are gender neutral and  are helpful for transgenders who often have a difficult time with public restroom, again showing the the provocativeness at the university for LGBT students.

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