Friday, November 18, 2011

Final Analysis

Through researching and interviewing both LGBT and straight students on campus, we conclude that being LGBT at the University of Texas is not only relatively easy, but very supportive and open as well.

The university has shown a progressive stance on LGBT issue, exemplified by the presence of the GSC, which not only supports individual students but organizations and events as well. The university also has shown a understanding of LGBT issue, namely transgender issues, shown by the proactive step to create more gender neutral restrooms on campus. All this is probably a result of the LGBT Activism that has fought for the various issues facing students at the university since the 1970s.

What is more interesting is the general openness of UT students towards their LGBT peers. None would mind having a LGBT roommate and they are pretty accepting towards others.They mentioned that Austin itself more accepting then the places or high schools they came from.

Also to be noted is the lack of extensive homophobia on campus to LGBT. In the interviews minor issues where brought up but nothing serious.

Finally the relive ease of being LGBT at the University of Texas is shown by  the three LGBT interview who all said that being LGBT isn't a big deal at UT and that they feel it no longer becomes a defining characteristic. They feel like a average student dealing with school, work, and grades instead of homophobia, bashing, or any other issues facing the LGBT community at large.

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